Safeguard Your Word: You Have Nothing Else!

“Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

~ Miguel Angel Ruiz


Tune in to the RAVE WAVES BlogTalkRadio show, ASPIRE TO INSPIRE where this post is the topic of a lively discussion. This is a production of Rave Reviews Book Club.

RW - Aspire to Inspire

Don Miguel Ruiz (his pen name) is an author, teacher and shaman, born in rural Mexico in 1952, where he became a surgeon. After a near-fatal car accident, he returned to his mother who completed his training as a shaman, whereupon he moved to the United States. His role as shaman is to teach others and guide them to personal freedom using the ancient wisdom taught to him by his mother, combined with modern insights about the human mind. He is an extremely successful author as his book, The Four Agreements published in 1997, has sold over five million copies! The quote above is the first of the four agreements. Continue reading “Safeguard Your Word: You Have Nothing Else!”

Grow Up And Get Wise!

“So you made a mistake in your past?  Who among us, was never young and stupid at one time or another?  So, you have a few skeletons in your closet…who doesn’t?  I don’t know anyone whose closet is that clean.  Your past does not define who you are now.  It is what you do, and how you live going forward that will ultimately define you and leave a lasting impression on those around you.   When you grow from your mistakes, you have gained that cardinal virtue called wisdom.”

~ Nonnie Jules

Nonnie Jules, founder and President of Rave Reviews Book Club, is a visionary, a creative administrator, is fiercely competitive, and a gifted writer. Besides writing poetry, novels, non-fiction, and her blogs, Nonnie also showcases a collection of original quotes on her website Books By Nonnie , and it is here that I found this quote. I find most of her quotes thought provoking, so I visit her site regularly for pearls of wisdom. Because Nonnie Jules is an inspirational leader, those who know her well like to refer to her as Wonder Woman! Continue reading “Grow Up And Get Wise!”

I Gotta Be Me… What You Gotta Be?

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau (1817-1862) was an American author, poet, and philosopher from Massachusetts. Liberal in his thinking, he was an abolitionist and advocated civil disobedience to an unjust government. His views often separated him from mainstream American thinking of his day, but Henry David Thoreau had the courage of his convictions. He was prepared to go to jail rather than back down from his beliefs – and he did. Continue reading “I Gotta Be Me… What You Gotta Be?”

I’m Great… How’s ‘Bout You?

“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”

~ Anne Frank

Anne Frank died at the very young age of fifteen in the Auschwitz concentration camp, in 1945, after several months of incarceration with her family. Every year during my career as a History teacher – and often, several times during each year, I taught my students about the holocaust. I hated it! I longed to skip that unit of study because of the feelings of horror and disgust it aroused within me. But I knew that my feelings could never get in the way of instructing my students about the wages of discrimination and hate. Continue reading “I’m Great… How’s ‘Bout You?”

She’s A Poet… Dwelling In Possibility!

“I dwell in possibility.”

~Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson, an American poet (1830-1886), was a very private person who rarely left her home. Some called her a recluse because she didn’t leave her room in her later years. When she died, she had written around 1800 poems and less than a dozen were published while she was alive – and those were heavily edited to fit the poetry conventions of the day. After her death, her cache of poetry was found by her younger sister and published – again, heavily edited. It wasn’t until 1955 that her poetry was published almost unaltered. Continue reading “She’s A Poet… Dwelling In Possibility!”

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