Author Media Kit, Part 4—Author and Book Information

Staci posted Part IV of her helpful Author Media Kit series. Please, read on…

Story Empire

Media KitsThis series has about run its course. In part one, we learned the elements of a media kit. Part two dealt with the news release. Part three covered one-sheets and author bios. We’ll finish the kit today with part four, author and book information.

Author Information

So, we’ve already included a biography (actually, four biographies, plus a fun-fact sheet). What could possibly be left?

The Contact Sheet

You need a contact sheet. Here you should list your mailing address, phone number, email address, website and blog addresses, and all relevant social media links. Please be sure to use your name as often as possible in your links; remember, you are your brand. If you create, say, a Twitter account that’s the name of your book or one of your characters, you’ll need to do that for every new release. It might sound like a good idea for marketing, but…

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My ‘Soooz Says Stuff’ page. “It’s A Guy Thing”… guaranteed to contain NO Political-Correctness whatsoever. Social commentary … my way.

Suzanne Burke is treating us to a wonderful story that occurred in downtown Sydney – Kidding! This is hilarious and you don’t want to miss it! Please, read on…

Welcome to the World of Suzanne Burke.

My observations of life are often expressed with my rather dark humor. I enjoy helping folks take a look at something serious, expressed my way.

I  originally wrote this around eight-years-ago.

A  conversation I overheard recently forced me to recall it.  It also amused me to recollect that when I first posted this all those years ago I had some interesting reactions, some of the women that commented were initially outraged … Until they discovered that a woman had written it. Then it became suddenly acerbic and clever. Some of the men that commented, initially laughed and shared it … Until they discovered that a woman had written it. Fascinating, yes?

Besides which, it’s just sadly funny, and you don’t need any damned permission to laugh.


It’s ‘A Guy Thing’… guaranteed to contain NO Political-Correctness whatsoever.

“It’s A Guy Thing”

It’s very short … trust me.

It's A GUY thing Picture

“What the ……

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How Best To Define “Youth”?

Poem: Youth by Samuel Ullmann. Is my youth gone forever? Youth is a state of mind. Youthful dreams are fresh and exciting. I am a work in progress.

Typically, when writing posts in this series, I begin with a quote and then speculate about its meaning. But today I’ll present both of these aspects differently. Having reached that exalted threshold of senior citizenship, I must admit to experiencing many more aches, pains, and physical restrictions than I did even ten years ago. As a kid, I often wondered why older people always seemed cranky and had frowns or scowls on their faces. Now I understand – getting older means a lot of physical discomforts, so what’s to smile about? Continue reading “How Best To Define “Youth”?”

John’s Believe It Or Not… May 31st

In 1997 – Opening of the Confederation Bridge. In 1910 Union of South Africa declares its independence from the UK. In 1859 Big Ben goes into operation in London. In 1929 Ford signs agreement with the Soviet Union. In 1977 The BBC bans the Sex Pistols’ “God Save the Queen”.

It’s Hump Day Wednesday! Did you know…

* 1997 – Opening of the Confederation Bridge linking PEI & New Brunswick. (The Confederation Bridge joins the eastern Canadian provinces of Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, making travel throughout the Maritimes easy and convenient. The curved, 12.9 kilometers (8 miles) long bridge is the longest in the world crossing ice-covered water and continues to endure as one of Canada’s top engineering achievements of the 20th century. After four years of construction using crews of more than five thousand local workers, the Confederation Bridge opened to traffic on May 31, 1997. Building the bridge was similar to putting together a giant concrete puzzle. Workers fabricated and connected 175 major structural pieces — from the pier bases and shafts that sit on the ocean floor to support the bridge to the main girders that are the backbone of the structure. Special ice-shields were designed and installed to protect the support piers from the pack ice that flows through the Strait every winter. Each of the pieces, some weighing more than 7,500 tons, were transported from the fabrication yard by a 102 m high floating crane. Newly developed GPS systems allowed engineers to place the components on the ocean floor with an accuracy of 2 cm. The project cost $840-million.) Continue reading “John’s Believe It Or Not… May 31st”

John’s Believe It Or Not… May 30th

In 1868 First ‘Decoration Day’ observed. In 1431 Joan of Arc martyred. In 1806 Andrew Jackson wins a duel. In 1967 Republic of Biafra proclaimed. In 1971 Mariner 9 departs for Mars.

It’s Tuesday! We Survived Monday! Did you know…

* 1868 ‘Decoration Day’, later called Memorial Day, first observed in Northern US states. (Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Over two dozen cities and towns claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it’s difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. Regardless of the exact date or location of its origins, one thing is clear – Memorial Day was born out of the Civil War and a desire to honor our dead. It was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11. “The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land,” he proclaimed. The date of Decoration Day, as he called it, was chosen because it wasn’t the anniversary of any particular battle. On the first Decoration Day, General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, and 5,000 participants decorated the graves of the 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers buried there. The first state to officially recognize the holiday was New York in 1873. By 1890 it was recognized by all of the northern states. The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war. [Thanks to Mae Clair who tipped me off about the origins of this day.]) Continue reading “John’s Believe It Or Not… May 30th”

Guest Post: Tina Frisco – On Facing Death

Facing death is a life-changing experience. Where did spirit come from in the first place? Many of us astral travel but refer to it as dreaming. Is there a difference between soul and spirit? I no longer see death as a monster – nor do I fear it.

It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome Tina Frisco, author, blogger, singer-songwriter, RN, activist, a student of shamanism and friend, to Words To Captivate. Death is a difficult thing to face, but Tina puts a different face on it.

On Facing Death

Facing death is a life-changing experience and one that most of us fear. The first time I faced this monster, I paced and cried, ranted and cursed its arrogance. The second time, I tightened my mid-section and refused to acknowledge it; but I couldn’t sleep. The third time, I took in a deep breath, sat down, and closed my eyes. In a flash, I saw myriad lifetimes pass before me – incarnations I was fortunate to have lived.

What is it about physical death that throws so many of us into a tailspin of grief, anger, and denial? Is it not knowing whether life continues beyond the body? Is it not knowing what awaits us on the other side? Is it not wanting to leave the glorious sensations afforded us on the physical plane? Whether or not we believe in an afterlife, death is often viewed as The Grim Reaper.

Not believing in life after death implies that spirit – the dynamic force animating us – dies with the physical body. But that scenario begs the question: Where did spirit come from in the first place? It can’t be traced scientifically in the same way we trace a being from zygote to birth. So is spirit a mere product or side effect of brainwaves and a heartbeat? In contrast, believing in life after death is based solely on faith. Or is it?

Enlightened beings walking among us speak of the other side in many different ways and languages, vividly describing the magnificent beauty awaiting us. They proclaim to travel back and forth at will. My shaman teacher refers to this as going to the faraway and returning; as living with a foot in two worlds.

Traveling to the other side and returning at will is not the same as envisioning or astral projecting. The former is a function of the mind. The latter – even though it can be honed and perfected – does not require proficiency; it can occur randomly and may not be recognized for what it is. Many of us astral travel but refer to it as dreaming. Yet we often sense it is in some way different – a live dream, a vivid dream, a dream that was more than just a dream.

The gap between living with a foot in two worlds and faith alone is bridged by experience. Many religious leaders profess the certainty of heaven, paradise, nirvana, as well as hell, hades, the netherworld. Yet most of them have never traveled to any of these places and returned to tell the tale. Again, we could argue that those who claim to go to the faraway and return are charlatans. That is until we speak and work with them. That is until we experience this ourselves.

I’ve had many moments of experiencing the other side and returning. And they were just that – moments in time. I suspect this is due to a belief that growth occurs slowly. Yet I know change can occur in a split second and not merely as a result of developing growth. Take, for example, the mother who lifts an automobile off of her child. Seconds before this, she most likely would have laughed at the prospect, believing herself incapable. Since beliefs are embedded by a lifetime of coding, such an act cannot be attributed to a mere surge of adrenaline or the mere wish for her child to survive.

So how did she accomplish this impossible feat? Consider the 90% of brain power we allow to sit idle. Could tapping into this be the answer? If we accessed the full capabilities of our brains, might we see the infinite possibilities of The Universe? Might we then know, without a doubt, what lies beyond the physical?

And what of the soul? Is there a difference between soul and spirit? Here’s a snippet of conversation between two characters in my latest novel, Vampyrie:

W’Hyani: The soul is life. It is who we are in a physical body. The spirit is what the physical body has dwelling within. It is part of The Divine and connects us to The Divine. The soul and the spirit are wed but are not the same.

Phoebe: So the soul is our psyche – that which makes us who we are as human beings. And the spirit is our essence – that which we are without a body, that which animates the body, and that which is immaterial to the body.

The soul is who we are in a physical body. Could it be that our souls keep a tight rein on our spirits? When we incarnate, we must forget who we truly are in order to accomplish the lessons we came here to learn. Perhaps the soul is the guardian of the portal to enlightenment, granting access if and only when our lessons have been completed.

W’Hyani lives with a foot in two worlds and has experienced traveling to the faraway and returning. When our spirits span the divide between here and there, we clearly see the dreaming brain as a function of the physical, as well as the mastermind of the illusion we’ve come to know as reality. When seated in the faraway, we know we have come home to the absolute, to the truth of who we are. We feel the expansiveness of The Universe and know ourselves as an integral part of – rather than separate from – The Divine. We sit in knowing rather than in faith or belief.

Having experienced this for mere moments at a time, I long for a more substantial (dare I say, permanent) experience and one I can manifest at will. Meditation serves me in this pursuit, for it is the one and only place I can go to come home to myself.

I no longer see death as a monster, nor do I fear it. If there is any fear left in me, it’s relative to missing the first chirping of the birds in spring, the glorious sunsets over the ocean, the mysterious winking of the moon through drifting fog.

Life on Mother Earth is relative and ephemeral. Pausing to breathe and close our eyes, if only for a moment, draws us into the omniscient and eternal realm of spirit and allows us to sense the infinite breadth of existence.

I wish for all of you, my dear friends, release from the fear of death and the experience of living with a foot in two worlds…


Tina Frisco is the author of 3 books:

Plateau: Beyond the TreesPlateau book cover: W’Hyani was born strong, willful, and the predestined Keeper of the Crystal Heart, the key to unlocking the mystery of the Great Mosaic of Life. Unaware of the shard’s significance, W’Hyani’s fortitude is tested by the cosmic forces that sculpted her destiny. She ultimately comes face-to-face with herself in a battle that would shrink the will of the most intrepid warrior, unaware the realization of her destiny will irrevocably impact all beings on earth and beyond. The Great Mosaic of Life holds a message of hope that would allow us to see and live beyond the year 2012.

Gabby and the QuadsBook cover for Gabby and the QuadsGabby is an only child who is about to become a big sister to quadruplets! How will she handle this? Her parents decide on a unique approach to introduce her to and help her accept this awesome experience. Follow Gabby as she learns all about babies and the joy of loving.




VampyrieBook cover for Vampyrie: What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility.

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell?

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor?

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Tina’s Connections:

Connect with Tina by visiting her sites, commenting and sharing.

Tina’s Links: Website  Amazon  Facebook  Twitter  LinkedIn  Google+ Goodreads   Radio Interview – Tell Me a Story

“Glimpses Across the Barricades.” Poetry in progress: “Masks”

Suzanne Burke has brought me to tears once more with these verses that commemorate a beautiful lost soul we met in Suzanne’s books “Empty Chairs” and “Faint Echoes of Laughter”. Please, read on…

Welcome to the World of Suzanne Burke.

Welcome again to “Glimpses Across the Barricades” my poetry in progress.

Today I share with you a brief glimpse of my dear friend, Jenny. I met her on the streets when she was barely eight-years-old.  I was eleven. She took her own life several years ago. The world is a darker place now that her sweet soul no longer lights it.

Masks for poetry



Suzanne Burke.


Eight-year-old eyes

Devoid of hope

For the innocence was gone.


Eight-year-old ears

That only heard

Violent words, of crushing fear.


Eight-year-old soul

That barely whispered

Before it was taken away.


Eight-year-old heart

With no joyous beat

A heart that stopped too soon.


And the masks that we wear

Cause others despair

As they search to find something long gone.


Masks of laughter bent and twisted.

 Faces shielding the dark within.

The weapons we are wielding

Peirce far beneath the…

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John’s Believe It Or Not… May 29th

In 1832- The inauguration of the Rideau Canal from Kingston to Ottawa. In 1953 Hillary and Tenzing reach Everest summit. In 1914 The sinking of the Empress of Ireland. In 1932 Bonus Marchers arrive in Washington. In 1851 Sojourner Truth addresses 1st Black Women’s Rights Convention (Akron)

Oh-Oh, It’s Monday! Did you know…

* 1832- The inauguration of the Rideau Canal from Kingston to Ottawa. (Rideau Canal (or Waterway), 202 km long, links the Ottawa River at Ottawa with Lake Ontario at Kingston. Conceived as the major component of an alternative route for military purposes between Montréal and Kingston, the Rideau Canal was first proposed as the War of 1812 drew to its close. Construction started (1826) according to the design, and under the direction, of Lieutenant-Colonel John By. About 50 dams were necessary to control the water levels at rapids on the Rideau and Cataraqui rivers. The 46 (originally 49) locks in use raise vessels 83 m from the Ottawa River to the portage channel at Newboro, whence vessels descend 50 m to Lake Ontario at Kingston. The construction of the Rideau Canal – built in virgin forest with all work being done by hand – caused great hardship to its Irish laborers, many of whom died of malaria. Finished in 1832 after 5 summer working seasons, with up to 2000 men being employed by the Royal Engineers and appointed contractors, the canal ranks among the greatest early civil-engineering works of North America. Lieutenant-Colonel By located his headquarters at the junction of the Ottawa and Rideau rivers and started a small settlement, first named Bytown in his honor but renamed Ottawa in 1855. Although it carried freight and passengers in small steamboats for a century, the Rideau Canal was never economically viable and is now used entirely by pleasure craft. Most of the original locks and canal cuts are still in use, and, except for 3 hydraulic locks, all are still operated by the muscle power of lock staff cranking the distinctive “crab” winches. Its stone walls, ponds, and bridges have preserved a quiet beauty along its course through the city of Ottawa, and in the wintertime, it provides one of the world’s most famous skating rinks. In 1926, 100 years after the beginning of the canal’s construction, it was designated a national historic site. In 2000 it became part of the Canadian Heritage Rivers System. The Rideau Canal was designated as a United Nations World Heritage Site in 2007.) Continue reading “John’s Believe It Or Not… May 29th”

John’s Believe It Or Not… May 28th

In 1934 – Birth of Dionne Quintuplets. In 1961 Appeal for Amnesty campaign launches. In 1937 Volkswagen is founded. In 1987 Matthias Rust lands his plane in Red Square. In 2014 Author Maya Angelou dies.

It’s Sunday Again! Did you know…

* 1934 – Birth of Dionne Quintuplets: Annette, Cecile, Emilie, Marie, and Yvonne. (The quintuplets, born to Oliva and Elzire Dionne at Corbeil, Ontario, near Callander, May 28, 1934. The Dionnes were the first surviving quints in history; two months premature, each weighed less than two pounds and together they weighed only 10 lbs in total a week after birth. Allan Roy Dafoe, the doctor who delivered the babies, also became a celebrity, when he arranged to make them wards of the Ontario government, under his supervision, in a virtual theme park called Quintland, across from the parents’ home east of North Bay. Over 3 million people – up to 6,000 a day – came to watch them play behind a one-way screen; they endorsed hundreds of products ranging from Quaker Oats to Beehive corn syrup to Lysol before they were returned to their parents in 1943 after a long custody battle. Their family reunion was bitter and the surviving sisters have recently claimed they were sexually abused by their father. They also started a suit against the Ontario government for a portion of their trust fund, but recently settled for $3 million. three films were made about the Quints: The Country Doctor (1936), Reunion (1936) and Five of a Kind (1938). Continue reading “John’s Believe It Or Not… May 28th”

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