She’s A Poet… Dwelling In Possibility!

“I dwell in possibility.”

~Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson, an American poet (1830-1886), was a very private person who rarely left her home. Some called her a recluse because she didn’t leave her room in her later years. When she died, she had written around 1800 poems and less than a dozen were published while she was alive – and those were heavily edited to fit the poetry conventions of the day. After her death, her cache of poetry was found by her younger sister and published – again, heavily edited. It wasn’t until 1955 that her poetry was published almost unaltered.

I was saddened when I read about the editing that was done to Dickinson’s poetry. Poems are not like prose, in that, the poet writes in a certain way for a reason. Clearly, her poems did not fit with the accepted norms of her day for poetry – so the publisher altered them. If Emily Dickinson was writing today, she would have the option of publishing herself as an Indie author!

I must admit that when I first saw this quote, I thought it was interesting, but moved on. After perusing more quotes, I came back to this one; it was almost as if it was calling me! Four simple words – yet packed with potential meanings. I could not turn away again. I had been taken captive! But I wasn’t surprised because these are the words of a renowned poet.

“I Dwell In Possibility” is the title of one of her poems where she explores the wondrous nature of poetry and compares it favorably to prose. As a literary art, Dickinson saw prose as less free or more limiting to both the author and the reader or listener. She compared both to houses: poetry is airy, sports large windows, and has a glass roof leaving one open to limitless possibilities.

As I read about her life, rife with the untimely deaths of friends and family, with whom she had close emotional ties, I began to see how poetry had such a strong appeal to her. She spent a good deal of her life tied down to her house as prime caregiver to her ailing mother. Perhaps, poetry was more than an emotional outlet; it may have served her as an escape from a life full of melancholy. In writing poetry, Emily Dickinson was able to give her imagination free rein, to “dwell in possibility”.

As I reflected on her words, they struck a positive chord within me. I do not consider myself a poet, so I tried to glean a valid application to my life in the twenty-first century. This poet’s mind is firmly planted in the world of what is possible. So often we hear ourselves scoffing at an idea and labeling it as “impossible”. We can come up with any number of reasons why we believe that certain goals can’t be reached, or that a course of action is doomed to failure. We are so quick to dwell in impossibility.

Perhaps, if we opened our minds to consider suggestions or ideas that may, on the surface, seem ludicrous or impossible, we could open ourselves to a brand new world. A new world of possibility within our own minds might manifest itself! “Hey! I can’t write a novel!” or “I can’t market my books to save my life!” are two examples of assertions I’ve made publicly. In the first instance, friends helped me to open my mind to the possibility and gave the encouragement I needed to write that book. I’m still working on changing my mindset about marketing!

I have always loved poetry. I remember my grade 13 English course had a rather thick poetry anthology. Often, when I became bored in class, I would open this favorite tome and devour the poems within. Understandably, I suppose, my preferred section of the collection was the poetry about love and romance. There were times in my life when I actually dabbled and wrote some poems, predominantly of the romantic genre. I never considered them worth anything, except to myself. A few have read them and thought well of them. Perhaps I shall take a page from Emily Dickinson’s book, someday, publish some poems and, thereby, dwell in possibility!


Author: John Fioravanti

I'm a retired History teacher (35 years), husband, father of three, grandfather of three. My wife, Anne, and I became business partners in December 2013 and launched our own publishing company, Fiora Books (, to publish my books. We have been married since 1973 and hope our joint business venture will be as successful as our marriage.

12 thoughts on “She’s A Poet… Dwelling In Possibility!”

  1. Emily Dickinson’s work is inspiring and I have often marveled at the linguistic agility of poets to say, succinctly, what I need whole chapters to say. Also, I have to agree with Nonnie that, thankfully, Possibilty and I are old friends! Thanks John!


    1. Yes, perhaps you’re right that writing a poem could relieve one’s stress; but I think that poets are like other artists whose work is their creative outlet. Thanks for visiting, Shirley!


  2. Emily was great gal, but I never realised she was so heavily edited 😦 – I must go back and re-read her properly very soon. Thanks for such an insightful look at her John 🙂

    Here’s my fave Emily quote – “The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.” she was a unique, fantastic lady 😀


    1. From what I read, Jan, Emily Dickinson’s poetry that we studied in school was likely lightly edited or unedited. I love that quote you shared too – it is so beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your insights!


  3. Our people will call that phrase pregnant. As you know, pregnancy is full of possibilities. Poets have a way of telling a world of stories in few words, so is this phrase. As a writer, one can fly with it. Thanks John for sharing.


  4. John, I will have to admit that I don’t know “impossibility” very well. I mean, we may have crossed paths a time or two, but he was such an odd character, that gave off such an awful vibe, I couldn’t wait to leave his presence. Now, Possibility? And endless ones at that…I know very well.

    We should all be so brave as to DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM and watch magic happen before our eyes.

    Thanks for this inspiration. It brightened my day!


  5. Hi, John. I’m an Emily Dickinson fan. Thanks for a great post and a reminder of how much I enjoy her poetry and how fortunate we are today to be able to self-publish. HAPPY READING & WRITING! 🙂


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